
We Find Missing Car Titles

Three missing car title scenarios Certified Field Agent can handle

We Find Missing Car TitlesThere are very few states in which you can legally register a vehicle without a valid title. If you can’t locate the title for your vehicle, the Department of Motor Vehicles in your state can help. Unfortunately, the procedures involved in going through the DMV to order a duplicate title can be tedious and time-consuming. Fortunately, you can outsource this task to Certified Field Agent. Simply designate us as your agent and we will complete all the legwork necessary to secure a new copy of your title for you in any of the following three scenarios.

You Can’t Find Your Car’s Title

You might not think it matters all that much if you can’t find your current car’s title. After all, it should already be registered and you will not need to present the title to re-register. However, not having a copy of the title on hand can limit your options if you decide to sell your car in a hurry. You’re much better off letting Certified Field Agent secure a duplicate title for you now rather than risk suffering an inconvenient delay later on. If you locate the original title later on, you should destroy it to avoid confusion.

You Paid Off Your Car but the Lien Holder Hasn’t Released the Title

Sometimes car titles get lost or misplaced, and you may find yourself waiting for months and months to receive a copy of a title that never arrives. Rather than attempting to work such issues out with the lien holder, you can simply turn to Certified Field Agent to secure a new copy of the title for you. Then you can take this copy along with proof of payment to the DMV and get a new title that no longer has the lien holder’s name on it.

You Bought a New Car for Cash and the Title Never Arrived

Sometimes car dealers may not have the car title on site, especially if you end up purchasing a vehicle that has only entered their inventory in the past day or so. When this happens, you may need to be vigilant to ensure that they forward to the title to you in a timely manner. Different states allow different grace periods for registering a new car, so you may have anywhere from 30 to 60 days to wait for the dealer to send you the title. Don’t wait too long though! You don’t want to risk having to pay a late registration penalty. Instead, let Certified Field Agent simply secure a new copy of the title for y