
Understanding Medical Records and Their Importance

Do You Know What Is In Your Medical Records and Why They Are Important?

Understanding Medical Records and Their ImportanceIn our society, we often strive to live long, healthy lives. This is not always an easy thing to do as health issues arise for everyone. In order to live well, it is important to stay on top of your medical issues and to receive the best health care that you possibly can. Having access to copies of your personal medical records is the best way to make sure that you are aware of and properly taking care of all your health care issues.

What Information Do My Medical Records Contain?

Medical records are documented records of a patient’s medical background. The purpose of keeping these records is to keep both patients and doctors informed as to what is going on with a patient’s health and what has occurred in the past with their health. Physicians and other health care providers make notations and update these records every time a patient comes in for a visit or treatment so that all physician – patient interactions are documented.  Medical records include items like treatments, medications, and procedures that an individual has received. They also include important items that relate to health care such as:

  • Previous symptoms, diagnoses, and illnesses
  • Injuries
  • Allergies
  • Doctor and nurse notes
  • Operation and surgery results
  • Progress notes
  • Lab testing and results
  • X-rays, MRIs, CAT scans, and other medical tests
  • Alcohol/drug usage
  • Sexual activity
  • Lifestyle details (such as smoker or non smoker, level of physical activity, stress levels, sleep schedule, etc.)
  • Research participation
  • Genetic testing results
  • Relevant family medical data

Medical records also include more general information such as:

  • Legal name
  • Date of Birth
  • Address
  • Social security number
  • Driver’s license number
  • Financial information (such as credit and debit card numbers and other payment information.

Why Are My Medical Records Important?

Many people tend to overlook their own medical records and fail to understand how truly important the information they contain can be. When you fall ill and need medical treatment, these records give doctors a platform to work from so that they can provide you with the proper treatment and care. If a doctor cannot see what treatments you have received, what medications you are allergic to, or what previous doctors have noted about your health, then it is impossible for them to provide you with the best, most effective care. It is each and every physicians’ goal to provide their patients with the best care they possibly can and to help them live full, healthy lives. Without access to your medical records, physicians can never meet this goal and at the end of the day, it is you the patient who will be truly suffering from this.

How Can I Gain Access To My Medical Records?

Medical records are vitally important documents that every individual should have easy  access to. Medical records are necessary in order to maintain good health and when it comes to your health, you simply cannot afford to cut corners. If you do not have access to your records, but would like to gain access today then you have come to the right place. At Certified Field Agent, we specialize in retrieving important documents and we would be happy to help you with your medical record needs. Contact us today to learn how we can securely deliver you your medical records.